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Next class TBA
Berkeley, CA – Location given after Registration
Open to all
No prior experience with Shamanism needed!
Registration Required by – Limited to 6 people
2 spots for $250 –
Save $25 each when you register with a friend!
This class is a prerequisite for other classes
The Shamanic Journey is a method of accessing inner wisdom and connecting with spiritual assistance and guidance. In this class you will learn how to move into an altered state of consciousness to gain access to non-ordinary reality using a the beat of the drum, as well as rattling, singing and/or dancing to receive spiritual guidance.
You will learn to safely journey to the upper and lower spirit worlds to connect with power animals and spirit guides. This is a core shamanic skill based on practices done by the healers, shamans and medicine people or of many indigenous shamanic cultures. Shamanic journeying is used for many different purposes: problem solving, healing, divining (gathering information), and gathering power.
This workshop gives you basic tools to journey to awaken and restore your dormant spiritual power, abilities, and your connections with Nature to experience the wide scope of shamanic journeying to help you cultivate a rich inner world that has unlimited resources.
Click here on an article on Shamanic Journeying
This workshop will:
- Ground you in a life-changing practice for spiritual inquiry that fits easily into your busy schedule
- Help you to interpret the mythic and symbolic language of intuitive wisdom
- Help you connect with your Guidance, Wisdom, and Creativity
- Help you access your personal power to live your life as your authentic Self
- Give you a method to find answers to life questions and purpose
Guidance, Assistance, and Empowerment is available
through the ancient practice of
Shamanic Journeying

This class is for YOU if you are:
- searching for Wellness, Wisdom and Guidance
- ready to Empower Yourself to live a richer and more meaningful life
- ready to access your OWN answers to questions about Your Life
- at a crossroads and wanting to make a change in your Life
- searching for guidance personally, professionally or Spiritually
- ready to release old patterns and change limiting beliefs and behaviors
- wanting to connect with a power animal totem and spirit guide
- ready to experience a greater connection to nature, life, and yourself
- called to facilitate healing and empowerment work with others
- 1 month or more prior – full refund minus $20 administrative fee;
- 2 weeks – 1 month prior – 50% refund minus $20 administrative fee;
- 1-2 weeks prior – 25% refund minus $20 administrative fee;
- Less than 1 week prior except in cases of personal or family medical emergency – No Refund.
All information in these courses/workshops are for general informational and educational purposes only, and are not intended to diagnose or treat any medical/psychological concerns or to replace or be a substitute for medical or psychological care. These workshops are not meant to provided healing or treatment for any student or participant for any physical or mental condition.
The student/participants accepts all responsibility for attending these workshops and for using the information provided in these workshops.
Although C. Girvani Leerer is licensed as a Psychologist in California (PSY #24631), Massachusetts (PSY #7289) and Arizona (PSY #4687), she is not functioning under these licenses when providing Shamanic Teaching, and she does not diagnose, treat or prescribe for any physical or mental conditions while providing Shamanic classes.
Attendance at these workshops do not constitute a therapeutic relationship or healing relationship between the student/participant and C. Girvani Leerer, Ph.D.
Workshops with less than a minimum enrollment will be cancelled/rescheduled. Girvani Leerer reserves the right to cancel any workshop. Refunds will be given for cancelled workshops.